Fengshui Tips


  • There should be no shoes or slippers lying around outside the main door of your house
  • There should be no television sets in your bedrooms
  • There should be no mirrors opposite your bed or at the side of your bed.
  • Place an indoor water fountain in your home, position in a favourable area to attract whatever you want in your life.
  • In your kitchen, ensure that opposite your stove there is no refrigerator, washing machine, washbasin and toilet.
  • Try not to allow children to sleep on mattresses on the floor.
  • For young children, try to have their back to the wall when they write.  It is important there should be a solid wall behind a childrens writing table.
  • Do not allow children to sleep on double bunk beds even if it means saving space.
  • Your bed should always have a solid wall behind you. This is important if you wish to have a good rest.
  • There should be no beam on top of your bed.
  • Do not use a red sofa set: The color red represent the element of fire. And for Feng Shui,  some places simply cannot have the color red in that sector.


Buieness / Office

  • Always sit with a solid wall behind your back to ensure that you have support in your life,never sit with a window behind you.
  • In the office always place the fax machine, telephone, and computers in the wealth area and  future wealth area for more Businesses.
  • The arrangement of tables and chairs should be in a harmonious position so that chi is able to flow smoothly.
  • You should not have any cactus or sharp looking plants in your office.
  • In your office, never have the main door opening into your table.
  • In a managers office you should try not to chose a room with two doors.
  • Do not place the photocopy machine near to the main door.
  • Do not place a paper cutter machine next to the main door.
  • Place an indoor fountain in your wealth corner, to activate chi. These also have medical benefits.
  • Do not have clutter in your office; desks must be kept tidy and clutter free.
  • Place a hanging crystal in your window, this will activate chI, as well as looking fantastic,when the hits them they produce the most amazing rainbows

General Tips

Feng Shui is GOOD Design!
Live with what you love!
Always consider safety and comfort as a priority!
Everything is alive with vital energy or Chi
Everything is connected by Chi
Chi is in everything and it is always changing: Your Life can keep getting better!
Express yourself creatively in your Feng Shui: make yourself special! YOU ARE!
Stay organized and orderly.
Remember your Chi, it is your inner-personal development, desire and love of life that will help maximize positive results.
Once you are positive about accepting changes in your life the Feng Shui is there to help you in whatever you do


'Astrosai', Office No. 3
Ashok Sankul, 18 Ashok Nagar,
Range Hills Road,
Pune 411007

Phone: +91-020-25560955